Hello/Introduction - Why I chose Vegan

Hello.  My name is Rachael.  I began my vegan journey in July of 2016.  Prior to switching to a plant based diet, I was a lacto-ovo-pescatarian for two years.  I consumed dairy, eggs and seafood along with fruits, veggies and grains, I thought I was helping the animals by not contributing to consuming meat (land animal).  When I switched to the pescatarian diet I was overweight and my lab tests confirmed I was prediabetic.  I lost weight at first but not as much as I wanted and my labs barely improved.  I felt I was doing a good thing ethically because I wasn't consuming farm animals.  My diet consisted of pizza mostly.  I got my labs done in June of 2016 and they were even higher.  In July I decided that I wasn't ethically doing too much for the animals and environment and even for myself (I had to get out of the pizza cycle) health and budget-wise so I will "go vegan".  I am still overweight but I have been losing continually and plan to keep on going!

I have heard of people beginning their vegan journey and the backlash they receive from family/friends.  And I felt it.  I still do to this day.  I also feel supported by the same people - it is a very strange feeling.  I know it could be worse.  It just really sucks when I feel I have to "tolerate" conversations with people I love or even try to avoid them altogether.  All responses and one sided conversations are the typical omnivore diet based ones; never actual constructive conversations that include back and forth discussions on health and the why and how I changed my diet.  I have been told to stop reading stuff.  I have been told it is only a phase.  I have been told I don't get enough protein.  Not once have I had a conversation. No one actually knows and understands why I have changed, why I feel the way I do, because no one has actually asked, with a sincere open mind.  I feel that they don't care because of their own convictions; they may have their mind opened and have to make changes.  It is really hard to un-know what you learn, it is hard to un-see the seen.  Learning truth changes people from the inside out.  But I know for sure why they eat meat and cheese and they don't waste any time telling me.

I am out of the prediabetes range now.  My A1c tests prove it.  I also have more energy than ever before.  When I hear people complaining of their health, allergies, ailments - I keep my mouth shut unless I am asked - which has not happened yet.

Inform yourself!  Learn everything you can!  If you are even flirting with the idea of a plant based diet or veganism, please read all that you can about it.  You will not regret it.  You will probably never go back.  There is nothing wrong with changing your diet and improving your health.  You will be happier.  You will have more energy.  You will be healthier.  You will be going against all that you were taught growing up but it is worth it.  It is scary opening your mind to truth.  But it is worth it.  Many health problems and diseases are not in our control BUT many are - why not take control of what you can?  People say, "Everything gives you cancer" and just do what they want.  That is one way of living life.  How about the mindset of "Everything gives you cancer" BUT... I am going to control what I can?...I am going to live healthfully while I am alive?...I am going to be all that I can be with my ability?   

Go ahead - read more and open your mind and eyes to all that is happening - not just what the media and the giant food companies/corporations want you to see.  Learn of the suffering of millions of farm animals that are used for human food, entertainment, and luxuries.  Animals that know love and fear and hurt deeply inside and yearn when their babies are taken away.  Vegans get a bad wrap for fighting for these animals, fighting for life, fighting for compassion - it really shows how messed up the world actually is when the average person doesn't care and purposefully chooses not to know and learn...it is very saddening.  Don't live life that way...I encourage you to thrive!!!
