
Showing posts from July, 2017


Slowing down in today's society can be hard to do.  It is the norm to be on the run back and forth from work to the gym to meetings to lunch/dinner dates and back home just to do it all over again.  Add kids into the mix and it is magnified even more.  I live this life right now; my son is 9 and it gets crazy!  It started when he was around 4-5 years old and it has not stopped or slowed down.  I am amazed at families that have three or more children...I can not comprehend how they manage!  When do they have time to brush their teeth?  Take a shower?  Cook food?  Read?  Do homework? I have learned over the past two years that cooking at home is not only budget-friendly and more cost effective but it is essential in having control of what is in my food.  I have control of the salt, the oils, and if there is cheese or cow milk accidentally put into my meal.  Cooking at home can be very rewarding  (To those that do not know how to cook, there are plenty of video's at your fingert